For more information:
Jason Harvey, Program Coordinator | 405.606.1477
May 9, 2023
Viticulture and Enology Fund Now Available in Oklahoma
OKLAHOMA CITY – Funding opportunities to advance the grape and wine industry within Oklahoma are now available through the Oklahoma Viticulture and Enology Fund. Eligible applicants include higher education institutions, government agencies (state or subdivisions of Oklahoma), and trade groups promoting grape and wine production in Oklahoma.
Applications that only benefit an individual grower or business are not eligible.
The maximum award amount is $50,000. Projects may be two years in length and must focus on one of the following areas:
- Scientific research
- Education
- Product development
- Producer outreach
- Tourism & Marketing
Each application must include letters of support from a minimum of 3 vineyards/wineries OR one letter of support from the Oklahoma Grape Industry Council.
Completed grant applications must be emailed as a word document to before 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 1, 2023, to be eligible for consideration.
For more information on the program, and to apply for the Oklahoma Viticulture and Enology Fund, visit